Before you read my original statement here that I had posted a few months ago, I need
to place this urgent up-date first.
Five years ago, my mother and I were being threatened with eviction, due to the cat
popultion problem she created. Much of the problem was resolved, as back then we had even MORE cats--the number was
greatly reduced thanks to media coverage that followed our story, giving many of the cats we had good, new loving homes to
care for them.
Well, once again we are being threatened with eviction--on March 2, 2006, my mother and I received
a TEN NOTICE TO CURE by the landlord, and we had until March 16th to "cure" and then on, Thursday, March
23, 2006 we received a TEN DAY NOTICE TO TERMINATE, in which we have until April 14th to vacate the apartment that my
mother and I have lived in since 1961--that's 45 years!
The allegations, first of all in both NOTICES are completely false, since they mention that on various dates given, that people in the Landlord’s employ, and the Landlord
himself were in our apartment, and making the comment that our apartment was so filthy dirty, and that there was such a horrible
odor due to the cats--This is outright harrassment to make such claims, because first of all, none of these people
have been in our apartment--our Landlord hasn't physcially been in our apt. since 1979!! And none of the people cited
in his employ have been in our apt. either--I don't have amnesia--I think I would remember all these people in our apt--also
we're not recluses!! We do have friends over and none have stated that at any time have there been odors in
our apt.
For awhile there, I thought that the ASPCA
could help us out--but they in effect have told me that I'm on my own here--and recommended that I have the cats seized by
Animal Care and Control, and of coure be euthanize--I'm trying to avoid this as much as possible--It's my desparate hope to
still find homes for these cats--SO PLEASE IF YOU CAN HELP ME--PLEASE DO!!!!
(MARCH 27, 2006)
My name is Melanie, and I've been a pet lover and owner quite literally all my life. There hasn't been
a time in my life that I haven't had pets. My grandmother ( now deceased), mother and I have lived in the same
apartment since 1961. We have always had cats and yes, always a multi-cat dwelling, but naturally at a reasonable
In 1992, we had nine cats, and I thought that, that was a large number. Throughout the years, my mother
always took on the responsibility of getting the cats fixed on time, thus preventing litters of kittens. That all changed
in 1992, when among our nine cats, we had an unspayed female cat. My mother said that we needn't bother getting her
fixed, as we wouldn't be getting anymore cats. That was mistake number one, which led to mistake number two.
A neighbor wanted us to accept a cat he had found. Repeatedly, I said no, we couldn't' take any
more cats--absolutely not. The neighbor and my mother looked at me, saying, "Oh, it's only one more cat." So I
gave in, It became very apparent, that this male cat wasn't fixed either, and I kept after my mother to get at
least one of the cats fixed on time, but she didn't. I wasn't able to do it myself, since, even though our vet
was only a few subway stops away, I couldn't travel as I've been dealing with my disability of agoragphobia, which at the
time kept me virtually housebound--there was nothing preventing my mother however, from taking one of the cats to be fixed---nothing
at all.
Well, you can guess what happened, on April 6, 1993, we had the first litter of 6 kittens. Now if it
had stopped at the one litter, it still could've been managable, but it didn't--the litters kept coming and quickly got out
of hand. In 2001, my mother and I were being threatened with eviction, and it was no wonder considering the number
of cats we had by then. Thankfully, due to the efforts of a good lawyer, and a lot of supportive people we were
able to adopt out many of the cats---but not enough.
The number of cats we now have is no where near the number we had, but there still remains a large number.
I live in chronic fear of new eviction procedures, should our landlord find out the number of cats we still have--with rents
the way they are, there is no way we could afford to move to a new place, since both my mother and I are on fixed incomes,
also I quite frankly just can't deal with the overwhelming stress this situation has caused. Please realize that this
was a situation that my mother created, never taking responsibility for, and dumped it all on me and I was stuck in the middle
of, while trying to deal with my disability problem.
While I do wish to keep a number of the cats, as after all, I couldn't imagine a life without a few
furry pals, it remains my most desired hope to adopt out as many of these wonderful cats as possible, otherwise, regrettably
I will have to be forced with a decision that I've been putting off for a long, long time, and that is to put many of the
cats down.
Besides living in chronic fear of eviction, I have other concerns as well--my mother's
failing health.
Since June 7th, of last year, my mother has been in and out of hospitals for various medical problems, including having
been diagnosed with esophageal cancer--her health problems remain in a serious status. To lift the burden, I was hoping
that we could secure visiting nurse services to help out, but upon finding out how many cats we have, we have been refused
and denied any help, thus I'm my mother's designated caregiver--All these factors are overwhelming to say the least,
and due to the fact that I'm trying to overcome my own disability of agoraphobia, plus trying to get my life back on track
on a professional level.
If only ten cats can be saved, that would be ten less that will be put down--I'm realizing that soon I'll have to make
the decision of putting a lot down, and I'm really trying to avoid this at all costs, but frankly, the whole situation I've
been dealing with is far too overwhelming for me to handle.
So--I'm recontacting you and all the other agencies involved that I've previously contacted hoping that you can be of
some help in this situation--if each place could take only one cat--that would be a God-send.
Most sincerely,