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Pyewackat's Corner


PLEASE NOTE: This website was first designed in March of 2006 when my mother and I were facing eviction due to an overpopulation of cats. I have added an up-date page which you can read. But I decided to leave a lot of the original text as is. Also I have eliminated contact information as there is no need now to contact me about this: (June 14, 2007) ______________________________________________________


Last Desperate Plea:

APRIL 27, 2006 A lot of people are no doubt going to hate my guts for what I've started to do---and I don't doubt I'll get a lot of hate e-mails because of this--but you must understand that, I've really, really have done everything possible to try to get my cats adopted out--I've actually been actively working at it for two years or more--this wasn't just something I've been doing for only a month or so--I've been in contact with every shelter, pet rescuer, pet foster care program going, but all are crammed to overflowing--I was hoping really hoping, that if each place could have taken even only one cat, that would have been a God-send--but very few places responded to me in the positive--I then even tried going public with my story, and did on a small scale, and was featured in two local newspapers--nothing big, but the bigger publications just weren't interested, and even tried getting the TV media in on it--after all, our story was covered five years ago, when my mother and I were being threatened with eviction five years ago--and we had a lot, more cats---but even they aren't interested--the whole idea was to get public exposure, and have people take in our cats. It breaks my heart, it really, really does, but on Tuesday, April 18th 2006 began the process of Animal Care And Control coming in and taking in our cats--they seem to be only taking three at a time, rather than seizing them all at once---I really, really have tried all resources for me--and I'm still hoping for a miracle, that before all my cats are taken, that someone can come to my aide and help here and take in some of my cats. You must understand, I'm not heartless or cruel--this whole episode was created by my mother--we've have had pets since 1961, when we first moved into our current address--we've been there for forty five years--and always had pets, but naturally at a reasonable number--but my mother, who is 73, and now has cancer, and I just don't have a place to move to if we are evicted--not with the rents the way they are. My hands are tied, what the hell am I supposed to do--be evicted and go homeless??? Like I said, I'm still praying for some kind of miracle, that someone, or place will step in and take in our cats. My greatest drawback too, is that a few places did actually say they could take in a cat or two, but I don't drive, and therefore can't transport cats anywhere. So this I guess is my last plea--if you or anyone can help please help me save as many cats as possible before they are all taken by Animal Care And Control

URGENT UP-DATE: Before you read my original statement here that I had posted a few months ago, I need to place this urgent up-date first. Five years ago, my mother and I were being threatened with eviction, due to the cat population problem she created. Much of the problem was resolved, as back then we had even MORE cats--the number was greatly reduced thanks to media coverage that followed our story, giving many of the cats we had good, new loving homes to care for them. Well, once again we are being threatened with eviction--on March 2, 2006, my mother and I received a TEN NOTICE TO CURE by the landlord, and we had until March 16th to "cure" and then on, Thursday, March 23, 2006 we received a TEN DAY NOTICE TO TERMINATE, in which we have until April 14th to vacate the apartment that my mother and I have lived in since 1961--that's 45 years! The allegations, first of all in both NOTICES are completely false, since they mention that on various dates given, that people in the Landlord’s employ, and the Landlord himself were in our apartment, and making the comment that our apartment was so filthy dirty, and that there was such a horrible odor due to the cats--This is outright harrassment to make such claims, because first of all, none of these people have been in our apartment--our Landlord hasn't physcially been in our apt. since 1979!! And none of the people cited in his employ have been in our apt. either--I don't have amnesia--I think I would remember all these people in our apt--also we're not recluses!! We do have friends over and none have stated that at any time have there been odors in our apt. For awhile there, I thought that the ASPCA could help us out--but they in effect have told me that I'm on my own here--and recommended that I have the cats seized by Animal Care and Control, and of coure be euthanise--I'm trying to avoid this as much as possible--It's my desparate hope to still find homes for these cats--SO PLEASE IF YOU CAN HELP ME--PLEASE DO!!!! (MARCH 27, 2006)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a website designed and aimed SOLELY and ONLY toward pet shelters, pet rescuers, and pet foster care programs in the New York and New Jersey area. I'm reaching out to you all in the hopes that the cats listed here can be adopted out into good, new loving and caring homes. I'm hoping that such organizations, and all who view this site can be of assistance to me as I do need your help. This website is NOT for the general public, as I need to get connected and work with people that have the ability to properly screen potential adopters. This is a website shows photos of some of the cats I'm hoping to adopt out. Don't get me wrong I do love these cats, but unfortunately, my mother created a cat population problem that got out of hand. I'm hoping to adopt these wonderful cats to good, new loving homes with caring people who will love them. For over a year, I've been trying to adopt these cats out---I've been in contact with virtually every pet shelter, pet rescue and pet foster care program going, with no success as of yet. The great factor against the cats, is the fact that they are older cats. If they were cute, cuddly kittens, no doubt, even the shelters that are overflowing would take them. So please give a look here---if you, of a pet shelter, rescue or foster care program see a cat that you think you might be able to help get adopted out, please let me know and contact me

PLEASE NOTE:  This is a "freebie" website thanks to Tripod, however, I cannot control the content of ads placed here.  

Please note !!! 

I live in the Queens area of New York, so only so only pet organizations in the tri-state area should take interest in  helping me get these cats adopted these cats, unless, of course, you are willing to make the effort of coming to the New York area, should you be elsewhere.

I now invite you to take a look at these adorable cats, that are waiting to have a new home ~~~~~TO VIEW THE CATS, CLICK YOUR MOUSE OVER TO NAVIGATION BAR, WHERE ITS SAYS " MY PETS"  AND "MORE CATS"--THIS WILL LEAD YOU TO SEE THE CATS   


This is Missy, just one of the adorable cats, waiting to be adopted.


Here's another kitty just looking for a new home!

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.

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